The aim of the DMCI programme is to increase the effectiveness of smart bicycle solutions for public and private organisations, to develop a better insight into current and future bicycle use in the region and cityin order to make an effective contribution to the broader societal challenges. The joint goal of the Dutch government is ambitious: 20% more cycling kilometres in 2027 compared to 2017 (Tour de Force). By combining forces and knowledge, the Tour de Force ecosystem has been created within the Dutch cycling world, with the various levels of government, market parties, knowledge institutes and social partners. The partners within the Tour de Force are jointly committed to a stronger cycling policy. In order to achieve a leap in the use of bicycles, active investments are being made in improving the regional and local cycling infrastructure, stimulating cycling and expanding parking facilities, particularly at public transport stations and city centres. From the National Vision for the Future of Cycling (NTF) and the Multi-Year Adaptive Implementation Agenda for Cycling (MAUF) this elaboration is taking shape. Improving the cycling infrastructure focuses on improving routes, adding missing links and removing barriers. In addition, stimulating cycling has now been differentiated into general national and regional behavioural campaigns, stimulating commuters on the e-bike, cycling longer for seniors to a national City Deal Cycling, where everyone who wants to cycle can also cycle in the future. Because the budgets for mobility-related investments are generally limited,the numerical substantiation and professionalisation of the cycling policy is becoming increasingly important.This requires a systematic and data-driven way of working. This assignment has been translated into the DutchMetropolitanCyclingInnovations(DMCI) program as part oft henational DMI ecosystem (DutchMetropolitanInnovations)ecosystem.
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