The BITS project is also spreading its results to the scientific community. To publish the key findings of the data analysis results regarding the near accident analysis in Antwerp, the University of Oldenburg (Department of Business Informatics VLBA) has published a new book chapter in an international oriented comprehensive volume. The article named How to measure safety risks for cyclists at intersections? gives an overview about the working steps of the data processing and the most important results of the data analysis. The publication is a collaboration work between the University of Oldenburg (Department of Business Informatics VLBA), the Province of Antwerp (Department of Space, Heritage and Mobility) and the Swedish company Viscando that provided the 3D cameras for the detection of near accidents.
The chapter can be found in the following publication by Halberstadt et al. as a Springer book publication. The contributions of the book demonstrate how entrepreneurship and ICT can be combined to develop sustainable solutions. It includes insights on various collaborative research projects between Germany and Southern African countries. Entrepreneurial thinking and ICT-based solutions can play key parts in building resilient communities as you will learn when studying the book.
Schering, J.; Marx Gómez, J.; Soetens, S.; Verbeek, K.; Singh, A. (2021). How to measure safety risks for cyclists at intersections? In: Halberstadt, J.; Marx Gómez, J.; Greyling, J.; Mufeti, T.K.; Faasch, H. (ed.). Resilience, Entrepreneuship and ICT - Latest Research from Germany, South Africa, Mozambique and Namibia. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 263-278.